
NoOp glgxg at
Fri Nov 7 23:18:26 UTC 2008

On 11/07/2008 02:04 PM, Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> --- On Fri, 11/7/08, NoOp <> wrote:

>> Well... I resolved the issue by logging back into Gnome & then
>> adding the KDE4 desktop background... Now it looks as pretty as 
>> KDE4, but everything now actually works properly using Gnome - 
>> including being able to drag & drop panel tabs :-)
> Great. I have been considering loading the gnome desktop background
> themes on my kde4.1 to get more themes to choose from.  Suppose I can
> do that without messing up kde4 on Hardy?

Certainly backgrounds - they are nothing more than png files. However,
themes are likely to be a completely different story & I wouldn't
recommend it unless it's a rainy weekend & you have a spare machine to
test them on first.

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