Wine+IE+WMP : problem on Hardy (was Help me!)

Philippe Didier pdidier at
Fri Nov 7 08:33:23 UTC 2008

Nguyen Canh Duong wrote:
>  Now, I'm using solfware require IE(Internet Explorer) and Windows 
> Media Player, but it very hard, for install , run IE , Windows Media 
> Player on Ubuntu 8.04.
> Can you help me?
> On Ubuntu, do you use, install, run IE + Windows Media ?
> And,
> I'm setup Java, Flash Player run very good on Firefox, but when run it 
> on ie4linux(wine) then Java, Flash Player not run, not view.
> Thanks,
> Best Regard,


My first question would be : what soft requires expressly IE and WMP to 
be installed on your system ? Is it something you cannot replace by 
firefox and some plugins ? Are you sure there is no there way to do ?

Then if you answer categorically YES, wine is an option, but 
visualization can be another choice : please Google on Virtualbox to 
know more how to install a virtual windows on your Ubuntu.
Good luck,

PS : Help me is not a very explicit subject, try "Wine+IE+WMP : problem 
on Hardy"
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