cant get more than 800x600 ;(

Ray Parrish crp at
Thu Nov 6 13:30:01 UTC 2008


I had the same problem when I first installed Hardy with my nvidia card. 
The only thing that got the video settings to stick past a reboot was 
when I installed displayconfig-gtk which puts a menu entry at 
Applications, Other called Screens and Graphics. This menu entry allows 
you to pick your monitor and video card from lists of makers and models.

After doing that I was able to select 1024 x 768 resolution like I wanted.

Later, Ray Parrish

Szymon Marciniak wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm using ubuntu 8.04
> I dont know why but i cant get resolution higher than 800x600
> I have geforce 4 and in win xp i can get 1280x1024. But i want only 1024x768
> First, i tried all i found od the net:
>  - drivers installed by envyng
>  - drivers installed by System > Administration > Drivers
>  - drivers installed by .run file downloaded from nvidia site
>  - manual changes in xorg.conf
>  - changing xorg.conf by "sudo nvidia-xconfig"
>  - nvidia-settings
> The result is: 800x600, you cant imagine how ugly internet looks in
> this resolution.
> i've noticed three werid things:
> 1. nvidia-settings always tells me "You do not appear to be using the
> NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run
> `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server. "
> even if i do "sudo nvidia-xconfig" just before nvidia-settings
> 2. If i change lines in xorg.conf, for example "800x600" to
> "1024x768", save it, and restart x server, In the file xorg.conf will
> be 1024x768 but i still cant change resolution
> Where else are saved modes for graphic card?
> 3. X server always runs in safe graphic mode, no matter what drivers
> are installed and what is in xorg.conf
> So, what can i do?

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