8.10 and the GeForce 6100 NVIDIA
Walter Garcia-Fontes
walter.garcia at upf.edu
Thu Nov 6 05:17:39 UTC 2008
* Karl Larsen [06/11/08 00:37]:
> Ubuntu got the NVIDIA drivers right for versions Gutsy and Hardy.
> Then came alone Intrepid and it supports some but not all NVIDIA
> hardware. This is a real Ubuntu problem. To say your waiting for new
> driver software from NVIDIA is, I am sorry to say a lie. Why does it
> work on Hardy????
1) Hardy is a LTS (Long Term Support) version and Intrepid is not,
and this is known, whenever you install any intermediate version
between the LTS versions you get the latest software but you risk to
get some instability.
2) If NVIDIA does not provide information for the developers, I agree
not to hold the full distribution back because one or two
propietary drivers not working with the latest kernel. I've never
understood why on earth a hardware producer will not want to open up
its drivers, they're not software sellers, unless there is some
conspiration theory behind to favor the dominating OS.
Walter Garcia-Fontes
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