Is there text-to-speech and speech recognition for Ubuntu 8.10?

Ulf Rompe Ulf.Rompe at
Wed Nov 5 10:14:40 UTC 2008

Am Mittwoch, den 05.11.2008, 09:17 +0100 schrieb Knapp:
> > I believe the problem comes from the fact that these programs can't get
> > exclusive access to the sound device. At least that's what happens on my
> > computer. When playing music with Amarok or something and trying to run
> > any of these I get an error that resembles that.
> >
> > Catalin
> Yes, I think you are right. How can we fix it? Can we make these
> programs use alsa somehow?

You might try to run it with padsp as a wrapper to make it use

[x] ulf
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