Hard Drive -- How LARGE?

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at chrononomicon.com
Tue Nov 4 16:25:29 UTC 2008

Pete Clapham wrote:
> Bart --
> My drives are SATA.  They could be seen during install (didn't try to 
> boot the live CD), but they wouldn't format.

Okay...two things to try...

One, you can try booting the liveCD, see if gparted (the partition 
editor in the menus, I believe) will see the drive and you can format 
them with that utility before attempting the install.

Two, post an account of what is happening and the error that occurs at 
the step you're running into the issue. Does it not get anywhere, does 
it spit something out, etc.

If you are able to you can try the liveboot and post the dmesg output to 
a txt file on a USB drive and transfer that to an email here for people 
more knowledgeable than I to look at.

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