wifi card

Steven Davies-Morris sdavmor at systemstheory.net
Tue Nov 4 15:26:44 UTC 2008

Michael Haney wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 7:51 AM, Shams Fantar <sethurf at free.fr> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On my laptop, I try to set up the wifi card.
>> If I configure the wifi directly in /etc/network/interfaces, no problem :
>> auto wlan0
>> iface wlan0 inet dhcp
>> wireless-key XXXXXXXX
>> wireless-essid linksys
>> Well, good thing, but I would like to use any software for the wifi. I
>> don't want to do that manually. Because, with this way to do, I have to
>> do everything in command line to be connected to any wifi network.
>> So, I found some graphic softwares to do that. Like wicd, I get "no
>> wireless networks found". I tried other graphic softwares, same thing.
>> What to do ? Because my wifi card is recognized by Ubuntu, anyway.
>> Thanks and see you.
> I'm curious, has support for Atheros wifi adapters been addressed yet
> or not?  Ubuntu 7.10 detected the card and drivers appeared in the
> Hardware Drivers Manager but even with them enabled it still wouldn't
> work under Network Manager.  I have an Acer Aspire 4520 which uses an
> Atheros wifi adapter with, ewww, a Broadcom chip.  Atheros recommends
> the MadWiFi drivers which are a part of Ubuntu Restricted Extras, but
> they didn't help.  I read that the new Kernel is supposed to address
> wifi compatibility problems with Atheros adapters so I'm wondering if
> anyone has an Acer laptop and got wifi working.  Anyone?

Atheros restricted drivers are supported transparently in Intrepid. 
My old Toshiba Satellite Pro 4600 laptop is proof of that.  The wifi 
is on a PCMCIA slot so I see no reason why it wouldn't work on an 
Acer.  Once I had done the upgrade from Hardy to Intrepid, I could not 
file any changes made through Network Manager, and even though I could 
get an IP from my DHCP server (verified in the router), I couldn't go 
online via the wifi connection (no DNS).  I wound up doing a clean 
install of Intrepid which fixed that and it now works like a champ. 
Though I did have to fiddle with my xorg.conf afterwards to get back 
to 1024*768 resolution (it was stuck on small screen 800x600).
Cheers, SDM -- a 21st Century Schizoid Man
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