wifi card

Shams Fantar sethurf at free.fr
Tue Nov 4 12:51:21 UTC 2008


On my laptop, I try to set up the wifi card.

If I configure the wifi directly in /etc/network/interfaces, no problem :

auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wireless-key XXXXXXXX
wireless-essid linksys

Well, good thing, but I would like to use any software for the wifi. I 
don't want to do that manually. Because, with this way to do, I have to 
do everything in command line to be connected to any wifi network.

So, I found some graphic softwares to do that. Like wicd, I get "no 
wireless networks found". I tried other graphic softwares, same thing.  
What to do ? Because my wifi card is recognized by Ubuntu, anyway.

Thanks and see you.

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