CodeWeaver Crossover Linux

Cheri Lindsey cherilindsey at
Tue Nov 4 02:14:26 UTC 2008

To tell you the truth I haven't tried it yet.  I'm falling down tired and
going to bed.
I have tried some of the links y'all gave me but 8.10 won't recognize my
drive as a 
Lightscribe drive.  Too tired tonight.  Everything's running together.  Will
take it up 
again tomorrow.  Thanks a lot.......Cheri

-----Original Message-----
From: ubuntu-users-bounces at
[mailto:ubuntu-users-bounces at] On Behalf Of NoOp
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 7:27 PM
To: ubuntu-users at
Subject: Re: CodeWeaver Crossover Linux

On 11/03/2008 04:15 PM, Cheri Lindsey wrote:
> Did this fix it?   I send HTML by default and am not sure how to turn
> it off........Cheri

Yes. Now the question is: did the link that I provided to you re
Lightscribe solve your issue?

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