installing dialup modem on

Bo Grimes boslists at
Mon Nov 3 19:49:29 UTC 2008

On Mon, Nov 03, 2008 at 01:19:59PM -0500, Brian McKee wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 12:29 PM, Doug Robinson <dkrr at> wrote:
> > Hello
> >    I have a US Robotics modem installed. I connects & all that; but
> > fails to transfer data.
> > It seems to me that it has found a pppd & connected. It does not work so
> > I must
> > be missing something.
> What doesn't work?  The connection is up, DNS info is transferred -
> where do you see a problem?

My guess is the problem is that he can't browse the web or access email. 
This issue has cropped up already this month, and everyone acts like the OPs
don't really have a problem.

Here's my reply the last time a few weeks back:

Been a long time since I used wvdial, but I had that problem once and had
to edit /etc/resolv.conf and add a line:

nameserver xxx.xx.x.xx [whatever your isp's is]

Just googled for wvdial etc/resolv.conf and nameserver and got this:

You might also want to type route at the command line after wvdial appears
to have connected and see what it says.

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