Could someone help with an Ubuntu install on a laptop?

Joris Dobbelsteen joris at
Sun Nov 2 16:29:41 UTC 2008

i686 is the same as i386.

Basically 686 is the Pentium and later series, while 386 points to the 
80386, the successor of the 686. In general all 386 and 686 code runs on 
all of today's Intel Pentium/Celeron/Core/Core2 & AMD Athlon/Phenom/... 
processors. So for practical purposes: they are actually the same.

If you got installation issues with i386, please describe what you did 
and what the result is:
* any (error) messages
* Which steps you have taken.
* Describe what you expected and what you actually got.

Describe the hardware you have.

Also the following questions:
* Did you double-click on the install icon on your desktop?

There are a lot of people with a lot of knowledge and experience, but 
they need much more detailed information to start with.

- Joris

Samuel Rohde wrote, On 02-11-08 17:18:
> I have Linux Mint 5 on my laptop right now, but I want Ubuntu 8.10 on 
> it. My laptop's CPU is a 686, but I can't find where to download an 
> Ubuntu i686 iso. Does anyone know where to download? I tryed i386, and 
> it ran smoothly from the live CD but it wouldn't install. So does anyone 
> know where to download an Ubuntu i686 iso? Any help would be great, thanks.

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