Touchpad scrolling region

Joris Dobbelsteen joris at
Sun Nov 2 16:10:12 UTC 2008

To all, thanks for your input. I now got my problem sorted (though 
configuration lags behind on ease compared to Windows).

Abhinav Gupta wrote, On 27-10-08 08:48:
> You might be able to get that by modifying your xorg.conf (
> /etc/X11/xorg.conf )
> Under the input device section where the driver is "synaptics",
> playing around with these options might help.
> Section "InputDevice"
> [...]
> 	Driver          "synaptics" # Make sure thats the driver.
> [...] # Add these, change their values and restart X. See if you like
> what you get.
> 	Option  "LeftEdge"      "0"
> 	Option  "RightEdge"     "0"
> 	Option  "TopEdge"       "0"
> 	Option  "BottomEdge"    "0"
> [...]

This worked for me. I now got some values I like a LOT better (and are 
able to tune it if needed).

> Or if you don't want to get into restarting X constantly, install QSynaptics
> ( debs are available )
> You can tweak your touchpad and see the changes "live"
> So that might let you tweak it the way you want.

This wan't a ubuntu package. gsynaptics is, but it was essentially 
useless for what I want to do.

I did find synclient that provided the touch pad values I had to fill in 
the xorg.conf.

- Joris

> It also supports two-finger scrolling. Just incase you like that. Your
> whole touchpad will be used for moving the mouse but if you use two
> fingers instead of one, it will scroll instead.
> Abhinav Gupta
> On Sun, Oct 26, 2008 at 7:54 PM, Joris Dobbelsteen
> <joris at> wrote:
>> Dear,
>> I'm looking on tuning my IBM/Lenovo T60 touchpad. I want to configure
>> the region used for scrolling, in order to make it (a lot) smaller.
>> Does anyone know how to configure this?
>> The edges of the touchpad can be used to scroll though a document,
>> rather than moving the mouse. This is a quite useful feature I would not
>> like to miss, but the configured region is a bit wide, which causes me
>> to regularly use it, even though I'm not intending to.
>> - Joris
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