IBM T60 Function keys

Joris Dobbelsteen joris at
Sun Nov 2 15:48:50 UTC 2008

Chris Rees wrote, On 01-11-08 11:47:
> 2008/11/1 Joris Dobbelsteen <joris at>:
>> Joe Burgess wrote, On 22-09-08 19:07:
>>> Do you have the thinkpad acpi kernel module installed??
>>> --Joe
>> Yes, its loaded:
>> lsmod | grep -E "(acpi|think)"
>> acpi_cpufreq           10796  2
>> freq_table              5536  3 acpi_cpufreq,cpufreq_stats,cpufreq_ondemand
>> thinkpad_ec             8464  1 hdaps_ec
>> thinkpad_acpi          51836  0
>> nvram                   9992  2 thinkpad_acpi
>> pata_acpi               8320  0
>> libata                159344  4 pata_acpi,ata_piix,ahci,ata_generic
>> processor              37384  4 acpi_cpufreq,thermal
>> Currently my display brightness OSD seems to work fine, as it keeps
>> state correctly.
>> I'm only looking where I can make sure that pressing "volume down"
>> button will actually unmute the sound, as "volume up" button already does.
>> - Joris
>>> Joris Dobbelsteen wrote:
>>>> Dear,
>>>> I have currently put Ubuntu 8.04 LTS on my IBM T60 laptop and run into a
>>>> few little annoyances. One of these is that the function keys work
>>>> rather strangely (or not, but that I can handle).
>>>> Display brightness control
>>>> * Making the screen brighter works, BUT does not update software state.
>>>> It also shows no on-screen display.
>>>> * Lowering brightness works and updates state...
>>>> Once brightness is lowered, pressing it will move to the lowest possible
>>>> brightness. Its not gradually, since making it brighter does not update
>>>> the software state.
>>>> How can I diagnose/fix this?
>>>> For volume control I have three buttons:
>>>> * Volume mute, works OK.
>>>> * Volume lowering works, but does NOT unmute.
>>>> * Volume up works as expected.
>>>> How do I fix volume lowering to actually unmute?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> - Joris
> Volume lowering isn't supposed to unmute. The idea is, if you mute,
> it's too loud, and you can then lower the volume, unmute, and then
> raise it to a comfortable level without damaging your ears/speakers.


The question was not so much of what is is supposed to do, but rather 
how to change it to MY personal preference. Some argue its the strength 
of open-source...

- Joris

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