analog clock in GNOME

Graham Watkins at
Sun Nov 2 11:00:01 UTC 2008

Thufir wrote:
> I've been searching through apt-cache for various clock applications.  
> aclock is ok, except that it's only in the bottom left hand side and I 
> want to move it to the right hand side.  asclock is, in someways, better, 
> however it's "digital".
> what I'd really like to do is to have the clock in the panel use an 
> "analog" interface.  Is that possible?
> thanks,
> Thufir
If you can stand to have the clock on your desktop,  gDesklets has a 
selection of analog clockfaces.  I use the "pocketwatch"  style myself.

If you decide to use it, remember to add gDesklets to your session 

Graham Watkins

"To mess up a Linux box, you need to work at it; to mess up your Windows
box, you just need to work on it."
SecurityFocus columnist Scott Granneman.

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