SD Cards kind of wonky

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Sat Nov 1 17:05:52 UTC 2008

2008/11/1 Dave M G <martin at>:
> Ubuntu Users,
> Maybe there's something I don't get about the new system for removable
> drives. Things have definitely changed, now that there are eject icons
> alongside the drives that get mounted and all.
> The thing is, it seems like whenever I insert an SD card, it's always
> read only. I've double checked and rechecked to make sure the little
> "lock" switch on the card is set to be unlocked.
> But, whenever I put in an SD card, I can't write or edit any files.
> The weird thing is, though, that I left a 2 GB SD card in the slot of my
> USB reader over night, and this morning when I checked it, I was able to
> write and remove files.
> Did it just need time?
> Is there something I'm not getting about how SD cards are not mounted?
> In Hardy, I just inserted the disk and it was ready to go. Is there
> something more to it now in Intrepid?
> Enquiring minds want to know...
> Any advice would be much appreciated.

Were these cards recently used in Windows computers? Did you properly
unmount them before removing them in Windows (or Linux)? Not doing so
leaves the drive in a state that Ubuntu will not take a risk writing
to the drive. You will see that the filesystem panics when you plug
USB drives in that have not been properly unmounted in Windows.

Dotan Cohen


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