Ubuntu 8.04 and Xen for Win XP guest?

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Thu May 29 19:18:31 UTC 2008

On 05/29/2008 08:48 AM, Steven Davies-Morris wrote:

> I am using the package d/l off the Innotek website. Not the one OSE out
> of the repositories. I just d/l it again and had the Gdebi installer go
> through the process again. When I start the Vbox mamager the USB devices
> are "active", seen, named, mfg ID'd, serial number recognized, etc. Once
> I start the WinXP virtual I can't get access to them -- they are "greyed
> out". There's something else going on here that I haven't yet figured
> out. I'll come back it to it on Friday.

Ah, I can help you with that.

1. In WinXP 1st check your hardware devices (control
panel|system|hardware etc) and make sure that the USB hub is being
picked up. You may have to select properties and let it reinstall the

2. Make sure that you followed the instructions in:
and have the correct devgid in your fstab. The check that you have the
vboxusers devgid correct:

grep vbox /etc/group

3. Make sure that you turn on the device in VB:
You can ignore the "usbusers" group info in that blog as you alredy have
vboxusers set from #2 above.
  What is important is the graphic below:
"Highlight your XP machine (if it’s not the only instance of a"
You need to click the usb device filters so that your printer is
available. Once you have selected the printer, your usb options will no
longer be greyed out & when you start XP it will find the new device &
add it.

[Caution: don't add a usb mouse - it will freeze your mouse outside of VB]

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