Ubuntu 8.04 and Xen for Win XP guest?

Steven Davies-Morris sdavmor at systemstheory.net
Thu May 29 15:48:11 UTC 2008

Derek Broughton wrote:
> Steven Davies-Morris wrote:
>> My only unresolved issue is getting access to my 2 USB printers
>> from within the virtual. Other than that its working well for the
>> couple of "must have" windows apps I use.
> Simple if you use the Innotek virtualbox package, impossible (I
> believe) if you use the Ubuntu virtualbox-ose package.

I am using the package d/l off the Innotek website. Not the one OSE out
of the repositories. I just d/l it again and had the Gdebi installer go
through the process again. When I start the Vbox mamager the USB devices
are "active", seen, named, mfg ID'd, serial number recognized, etc. Once
I start the WinXP virtual I can't get access to them -- they are "greyed
out". There's something else going on here that I haven't yet figured
out. I'll come back it to it on Friday.
Cheers, SDM -- a 21st Century Schizoid Man
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