Cannot access any samba shares since Hardy upgrade

Rich rich.lott.lists at
Wed May 28 08:27:45 UTC 2008

(sorry for delay in replying, but my sister's had a baby(!) so been away 
from email for a while!)

Brian McKee wrote:
> On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 11:39 AM, Rich
> Is your problem actually the stated 'multiple server names on same
> server' issue ?

Yes. There are netbios names for each office team, and each team at 
least has a "home" share. CIFS cannot mount these due to these bugs. It 
is not practical to ask the sysadmin to change all the names of the 
shares just for me (I'm the only kubuntu user, the rest bar 1 are on 
Windows) as this would cause chaos in the office.

> or it that you just need to replace smbfs with cifs in your /etc/fstab ?




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