Are there any good form/report generator programs for Linux yet?

Chris G cl at
Mon May 26 17:42:10 UTC 2008

On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 06:35:07PM +0100, Chris G wrote:
> On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 06:45:47PM +0200, Marcin Kasperski wrote:
> > > So, I'm looking again, are there any good (or even reasonable)
> > > programs out there in Linux land which can help me create forms for
> > > database input and reports for output?
> > 
> > Can't truly recommend, as I haven't used them, but you may take a look
> > at
> > 
> > Kexi:
> That looks like it may be just what I'm looking for.

> > PS I would be glad to hear if you like some of those.
> > 
> I'll definitely be having a longer look at Kexi, I have also found
> Dabo which looks possible.  I'm off on holiday for three weeks soon
> but I'll spend some time on both when I come back.
No, Kexi is no good, from the FAQ:-

    Q1.6: Reports in Kexi? 
        A1.6: Currently none except Simple Printouts: (File->Page
        Setup, then Print), available since Kexi 1.0. Report designer
        is planned after 1.0. As an alternative, since Kexi 1.0
        version, you can also copy your data sheets to clipboard
        (using Edit->Copy Special menubar command) or to a CSV file
        (using File->Export menubar command). Then paste the data into
        a program like a KSpread/ Calc/MS Excel
        spreadsheet allowing you to print your data (or open the saved
        CSV file, respectively).

That means that Kexi is no good to me at all.  I need to design
properly laid out reports, invoices and things like that.

Chris Green

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