[OT] Debian mailinglists [was: RE: Debian or Ubuntu?]

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Thu May 22 18:42:49 UTC 2008

Avi Greenbury wrote:

>> Do you actually intentionally make "stupid" mistakes that can never
>> possibly
>> work? That's what a config tool should prevent.  When a config value
>> needs to be a domain name, it may be desirable to permit domains that
>> can't currently be resolved, but it's never going to desirable to allow
>> you to enter a domain that could never be registered.
> It depends on your interpretation of 'stupid' and 'never', I suppose.
> What kind of domain that could never be registered, and that no-one
> will ever want in their configuration, do you have in mind?

Anything that's syntactically incorrect.

> If you have, as you say, an idiot who can not and will not learn, and
> they should be prevented from screwing up the servers, the easiest way
> to accomplish that is to not let them anywhere near them, and let
> someone who has learnt do the configuration.

And I'm being accused of not living in the real world.  The world is full of
pointy-haired bosses who couldn't care less that they've put the least
technically competent person in charge of their web server...

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