Adding an icon to a menu entry...

Brian Lunergan ff809 at
Thu May 22 12:10:06 UTC 2008

Charlie Kravetz wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-05-21 at 15:11 -0400, Brian Lunergan wrote:
>> For now I've backed away from the heron until it has been in circulation
>> for a few months. For now I'll stick with 7.10.
>> Downloaded and installed a current edition of Eclipse. Added it manually to
>> the menu. Things seem to be working as they should, but a minor cosmetic
>> item remains. The package seems to include an icon for the menu but I can't
>> seem to latch onto it with the properties dialogue in main menu. How do I
>> get around this point to grab the icon? Is it a format issue? Is there a
>> command to run so that the system sees it?
>> -- 
>> Brian Lunergan
>> Nepean, Ontario
>> Canada
> You don't say which desktop you are using, but most are the same, I
> believe. When adding applications to the menu, when you have the menu
> properties open for the item, there should be a box to the left of the
> command lines. Left-click in the box, it brings up the icon folders, you
> should be able to change to the correct folder for your program icon and
> add it to your menu item.
> good luck,

Oops... Sorry about that. The desktop is gnome. The full path to the icon
file is /eclipse/icon.xpm. I browse there using the choose icon function on
the properties window and it doesn't see it. Is there a particular file
format that it's looking for? How would I convert it if it's the wrong one?


Brian Lunergan
Nepean, Ontario

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