[OT] Debian mailinglists [was: RE: Debian or Ubuntu?]
Les Mikesell
lesmikesell at gmail.com
Tue May 20 20:21:23 UTC 2008
Derek Broughton wrote:
>>>> Safer isn't usually the point.
>>> I disagree - I think it's the whole point.
>> Doing something no one anticipated it often the point. Or repeating it
>> hundreds of times. Neither works well in GUI's.
> Why would "repeating hundreds of times" not work well in a GUI? A properly
> designed GUI would let you enter the change once, and apply many.
How would that happen? The repeated instances would be on different
machines and/or at different times. Command lines and text files are
easy to recall/cut/paste and in many cases the documentation can be a
pastable copy, where with GUI's you end up with screen shots of settings
you have no way to reproduce without going through all the same motions.
>> There's a reason for that, which is that the programmer can't anticipate
>> what you want and for the same reason can't check that it is correct.
> But he _can_ check that it's correct.
Not in general.
> For instance, to configure postfix as
> a smarthost, it needs to know your ISP's SMTP server name, port, and
> authorization information. When you enter those into a config tool, it can
> open a connection to the server and test it.
First, remember that postscript was written specifically to be easy to
configure so you are cherry-picking an example. Then consider that you
may be configuring a machine to ship elsewhere and the tests you want to
perform won't work when you need to make the change.
>> It's not trivial, and in the case of arbitrary settings isn't going to
>> help you anyway. If you have a small list of choices that just have to
>> be spelled right, a wizard can help, but those aren't that hard to get
>> right by yourself.
> It _is_ trivial.
Let me know when you are done writing it.
>> Start by assuming the program is wrong and that's why you have to fix it
>> and maybe you'll see the problem.
> Which program? The gui config tool?
Any part of any program can be wrong.
> Why would I assume _it's_ wrong any
> more than I would assume somebody screwed up the config in an editor?
You haven't been doing this very long, have you? Wade through the bug
history on a few large programs to catch up. It's a pretty safe
assumption that every program has bugs and it's just as easy to make a
mistake in program source as a config file. And you'll find some
programs where the config file is actually a snippet of program source -
this is pretty common with perl applications and gives you arbitrary
freedom in what you put there.
>>> If I was your boss, I'd need a written explanation of exactly why you had
>>> to hand-edit a config file for a sensitive server before I'd permit it if
>>> there was a tool available for it.
>> If it is a sensitive server, the changes should be under revision
>> control which is trivial with things controlled by text files and
>> arbitrary editors and generally impossible with wizardly things.
> Sorry, that's an insane statement. If I am editing a config file with an
> editor, it's up to me to make sure changes are checked into version
> control.
And that's a problem? Why?
If I'm editing it with a wizard, I'd absolutely build svn right
> into the wizard.
Great, let me know when it's done. And when it will match my version
control system.
> It's not only not "generally impossible" it's a sight
> simpler. I've never suggested that we make the config files
> non-human-readable, I just don't want them edited directly by people.
And I'm not saying that things can't be improved, but it's not a new
problem and GUI's haven't helped solve it yet. I am surprised that some
distribution hasn't wrapped system management around one of the version
control systems to a point where someone could 'publish' their
configuration (packages plus all the setup with some local exclusions)
and any number of others could automatically clone it and track changes.
A few hundred of these tuned for different purposes would probably
take care of most people's needs.
Les Mikesell
lesmikesell at gmail.com
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