[OT] Debian mailinglists [was: RE: Debian or Ubuntu?]

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at dantian.org
Tue May 20 18:41:36 UTC 2008

On Tue, 2008-05-20 at 14:14 -0400, Paul wrote:

> That's nice.  It isn't a discussion about Ubuntu.

Yeah well, there are many other threads that are not exactly "Ubuntu
user technical support". Come one, the guys who are discussing in this
thread (e.g., Derek, Bart, Avi, Steve, Dotan, myself (sorry if I forgot
anyone)) are among the most frequent contributors to the list, and may I
say also among those who give the soundest advice. 

I agree that the thread borders on the offtopic, but it _does have [OT]
in the subject. I don't know, but I'd think it would be nice to give us
leeway for a bit of friendly technical chitchat that will stop in a day
or two on its own, anyway. Who knows, someone might even learn

> Well...filtering "Debian" or "mailinglist" would most likely filter
> more than what I want.

Then again, you could filter on Subject = "Re: [OT] Debian mailinglists
[was: RE: Debian or Ubuntu?]" && Date = After May 19

Or something.

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