[OT] Debian mailinglists

Marcin Kasperski Marcin.Kasperski at softax.com.pl
Tue May 20 15:55:18 UTC 2008

>> Existing SSH connections remain up, so you can log int via SSH, edit,
>> then try to establish a new connection, and drop the old one only when
>> you are sure the new config works.
> Hahahahaha!  I just saw an admin upgrade 3 servers last week, without doing
> anything more than a superficial check of any of them.  It was days later
> that he actually figured out what he'd done wrong and fixed it...

Well, being sensible sysadmin require some responsibility. Not
everybody fills this bill. 

> In the case of an SSH server, wouldn't it make more sense to use a config
> tool that actually _did_ try to establish a new connection before
> finalizing the changes?

Yeah, now you are talking about the config tool which must run
cooperatively on *two* machines (the testing connection should
be made from your client PC, shouldn't it). Yeah.....

Not to mention, that you must reload with changes applied to test
them in this way.

| Marcin Kasperski   | If Staff, Scope and Schedule are all fixed,
| http://mekk.waw.pl |  managers will have no options, other than
|                    |               prayer. (Martin)

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