best graphics card for "out of the box"

NoOp glgxg at
Tue May 20 03:36:24 UTC 2008

On 05/19/2008 05:38 PM, Brett Johnson wrote:

> The best "out-of-box" experience is going to be Intel graphics, because
> the Intel drivers are FOSS, and relatively stable.  Nvidia's binary-only
> driver is generally considered to be of higher quality/stability than
> ATI's binary-only driver (fglrx).  However, ATI/AMD have now opened up
> the specs for their hardware, and a number of folks are working on a new
> FOSS ATI driver (radeonhd).  I expect that within a year, this will put
> ATI's out-of-box experience on-par with Intel's, as the radeonhd driver
> gets more stable, and supports more hardware features (it doesn't yet
> provide any 3d hardware acceleration, for example).  Nvidia has shown no
> interest in opening up their driver/specs, so I expect that Nvidia cards
> will have the worst out-of-box experience for the foreseeable future.

Thanks for the info.

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