from fedora to ubuntu

"Terrell Prudé Jr." microman at
Sun May 18 21:51:10 UTC 2008

Nat Gross wrote:
> On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 12:18 PM, Chris Mohler <cr33dog at> wrote:
>> On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 10:09 AM, Nat Gross <nat101l at> wrote:
>>>>    And I never have found a use for yum on Ubuntu :-)
>>> What about multimedia, mp3's and wmv. Works out of the box?
>>> Also, the apt repos. Is there one huge repos that has all the stuff,
>>> or do I need the various repos like livna, freshrpm's, and worry about
>>> the conflicts?
>> Yeah - you can say goodbye to the conflicts.  Most of the codecs are
>> in the Multiverse repo if they're not installed already.
>> A couple things I found helpful during migration:
>> sudo ln -s /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d /usr/sbin/service   (or just remember
>> "invoke-rc.d" - but I can't :)
>> sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf  (there seems to be no chkconfig)
>> sudo sysv-rc-conf (to turn on/off services)
> Thank you all.
> Hope to give it a spin on Sunday.
Handling MP3's is easy; Ubuntu will ask you if you want to install the
codecs.  Because of legal systems that allow software patents (like the
USA), a warning will come up saying, "This may or not be legal depending
on what country you're in."

Better to download (or rip) OGG's whenever possible, though.  :-)

WMV's, on the other hand, might take a bit more work, but not too much
more.  A buddy just recently ran into this with Hardy.  He tried
downloading what looked to both of us like MPlayer's codec package. 
However, things didn't work out for him, for some reason.  I told him,
just download the codecs from, and he did, and boom,
things worked perfectly.  The codecs need to go into /usr/lib/codecs,
IIRC.  I do know that when you compile MPlayer yourself (that's what I
usually do), the codecs need to go into /usr/local/lib/codecs.

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