Ubuntu and streamed WMA/RA files in Firefox

Steven Davies-Morris sdavmor at systemstheory.net
Sat May 17 19:04:35 UTC 2008

The BBC streams sports off its website using Windows Media and Real
Audio formats (no streaming ogg? boo hiss). I should have thought about
this before the 1st test match between England NZ at Lord's started, but
the last time I followed cricket over the 'net it was on my WinXP music
studio machine.

I'm using Mozilla Firefox 3 on Hardy Heron. How do I get to hear
either/both of these formats in the browser. Or failing that, how do I
get to hear them in a standalone player. I presume I need to install the
codecs. I can d/l Real Player 8 for Linux and take a stab at that, or
play the stream inside my Virtualbox WinXp setup, but I really rather
not do either of those things if there's a more sensible way to solve my
Cheers, SDM -- a 21st Century Schizoid Man
Systems Theory internet music project: <www.systemstheory.net>
on MySpace: <www.myspace.com/systemstheory>
on Last FM: <www.last.fm/music/Systems+Theory>
get "Codetalkers" *free* at <www.mikedickson.org.uk/codetalkers>
NP: nothing

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