converting .swf to .mpg

Patton Echols p.echols at
Thu May 15 06:42:25 UTC 2008

On 05/14/2008 08:37 AM, Tommy Trussell wrote:
> On 5/14/08, Patton Echols <p.echols at> wrote:
>> I found in /etc/cron.daily a script titled "dlocate" with the following
>>  contents
>>  ================
>>  #! /bin/sh
>>  DPKGLIST=/var/lib/dlocate/dpkg-list
>>  # exit if dlocate is uninstalled but not purged
>>  test -x /usr/sbin/update-dlocatedb || exit 0
>>  # update dlocate database
>>  /usr/sbin/update-dlocatedb >/dev/null
>>  # update 'dlocate -l' emulation
>>  LINES=40 COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l "*" | sed -e '1,5d' -e 's/  */ /g' >$DPKGLIST
>>  =================
>>  not sure it makes sense to me why it calls for writing update-dlocatedb
>>  to /dev/null
>>  seems pointless, but then I don't know what the last line does either.
> The script is sending any output from running the command to /dev/null
> (also known as the "bit bucket" or in other words "nowhere").
> Presumably whatever prints on the terminal when you run that command
> is not useful in any way when run as a cron job. If it was, you could
> capture it in a log somewhere.

Oh, Right.  The terminal output is not what the command is after anyway 
. . . Makes sense.  Thanks.

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