Virtualbox: expanding the size of a virtual disk

Steven Davies-Morris sdavmor at
Wed May 14 21:01:03 UTC 2008

NoOp wrote:
> On 05/13/2008 06:23 PM, Steven Davies-Morris wrote:
>> I've been reading through the documentation but can't seem to find
>> anything in there that lets me tell it grow a VDI from 8gb to 16gb to
>> 24gb etc. Can I do such a thing? I don't want to create additional disks
>> or provide access to one of my raw disks just yet (that will come
>> later). I'm running the current VB 1.60 i386 32 bit version on Ubuntu 8.04.
> If you find the answer, please post back and advise. I've been trying to
> figure out a way to do the same, but all I come up with is to create a
> new VM then run a disk copy program to copy to the other VM.
> Some suggestions here:
> <>

Damn windows!  doesn't take much to fill up that 8gbs!  So I'm going to 
create a bigger virtual (I think 20gbs will hold all the Windows stuff I 
need plus data) and copy everything over.  It's all trial and error 
right now, learning as I go, so I can't be too upset about it.
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