Debian or Ubuntu?

Steve Lamb grey at
Mon May 12 17:42:48 UTC 2008

On Mon, May 12, 2008 10:10 am, Les Mikesell wrote:
> Can you give an example of something that is worse in Ubuntu than Debian
> for servers?  That is, if you didn't already have Debian would there be
> a reason to use it?


    In the past 10+ years every Debian upgrade that fails was 100% my own
fault.  For example, the last one was because I started off with Progeny
and later swapped over to base Debian without removing all of the
Progeny custom packages.  I can't blame Debian for not knowing that the
kernel that ended with -progeny could be replaced, can I?

    On the other hand in the past ~2 years of *buntu (KU specifically) I've
had at least 2 upgrades go kaplooie when a fresh install worked fine.

  I have yet to have an *buntu upgrade go through without a hitch.  Given
that my server is a VM on a box in some colo a few thousand miles away I'm
not about to trust my servers to an upgrade between versions to anything
but something that is complete, utterly rock solid.  Fresh installs on a
local workstation is one thing.  Fresh installs of VM on a single image is
something else.

Steve Lamb

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