Mountig Windows partitions at boot in 8.04

NoOp glgxg at
Mon May 12 02:30:24 UTC 2008

On 05/11/2008 06:46 PM, Nik N wrote:
> On 5/11/08, Steven Davies-Morris <sdavmor at> wrote:
>> There's a graphical NTFS configuration shell in the repositories that
>>  works very well using the ntfs-3g driver. It's called ntfs-config,
>>  version 0.5.5 by Martens Florent. Easy-peasey.
> ntsf-config only open a dialog that enables/disables write to mounted
> ntsf volumes but does nothing to mount/dismount on boot. Or am I
> missing something?
> Niknot

You might want to look at your /etc/fstab and see if the Windows
partitions were maintained in the file following your update. It not,
add them back in & reboot.

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