Create launcher bug? More info

Mike Adolf mlnx at
Sat May 10 18:22:27 UTC 2008

Mike Adolf wrote:
> I have recently did a new install of 8.04.  The update I tried from 7.04 
> screwed too many things up. The new install wasn't perfect but I was 
> able to "fix" things I use, except the Create Launcher Dialog.
> whenever I bring up a NEW create launcher dialog, it is initialized with 
> the gnome-panel-launcher.svg icon. I would expect it to be the "no Icon" 
> icon.
> If Create Launcher is arrived at by adding a NEW menu item and I try to 
> browse to the icon I want to use, it will only show .svg icons. If I 
> browse to my icon folder containing .png, nothing shows in the file 
> selector window.
> If I edit an existing menu entry already having a .png icon, I can 
> browse to, and select, other .png icons.
> However, if Create Launcher is brought up from the desk top, I can 
> browse for the icon I want, including .png.  But that doesn't help make 
> a new meun item.
> Am I missing something, or is something messed up?
> Mike
I created a desktop launcher using a .png icon from my home dir. Now if 
I drag that launcher to desktop top menu bar, the icon reverts back to 
that gnome-panel-launcher.svg icon! If I drag a desktop launcher that I 
did not create to the top menu bar, the icon does not change. What's 
going on??


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