Reminder/PIM application with compact "next 7 days" view?

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Sat May 10 12:13:04 UTC 2008

2008/5/10 Chris G <cl at>:
> I'm looking for a Calendar/Reminder/PIM application which has a
> compact (as in small window) view showing the next 7 days or so.
> This is so that I can have it permanently on screen on *all* my
> multiple desktop windows along with the clock and the pager.
> I *don't* want a current week view, that's pretty useless when you get
> to Friday/Saturday.  It can be very simple indeed with just a short
> line of text (e.g. "Tue 4th - Dentist" or "Thu 19th - PAYE") for each
> item, when I want to see details and enter new items I'll bring up the
> full application.
> I currently use ReminderFox in Firefox which works OK'ish but I only
> get its reminders on the desktop where I'm running Firefox and the
> reminders appear as a 'slider' and then disappear.  I'm really after
> something which has a list of current reminders permanently on screen.
> Most Calendar/PIM apps are characterised for a business user by being
> oriented to a display of Monday-Friday and allowing lots of happenings
> each day.  I want a reminder that just tells me the two or three
> things that I have to be aware of in the next seven or ten days.
> Can anyone suggest anything that might suit me?

If it doesn't have to be on your desktop, then know that my Nokia 6288
does this. It has the advantage of being with me always, which the
desktop does not. Also, it can be synced with KDE-PIM on the desktop.

Dotan Cohen

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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