I need some advice on BIG external storage units

Pastor JW pastor_jw at the-inner-circle.org
Fri May 9 22:44:46 UTC 2008

On Friday 09 May 2008 02:17:45 pm Tom Rausner wrote:
> fre, 09 05 2008 kl. 14:08 -0700, skrev Steve Lamb:
> >     I'd say stay away from USB or, at best, be very cautious of it.  I
> > got an external USB drive, only 120Gb, and figured it would be a nice
> > place to store all of my low-turnover, high-space files (OGG/FLAC of my
> > CDs for example).  Hooked it up to my Debian box, got it formatted for
> > ext3 and then found out that if it is not in constant use it spins down.
> > Once spun down it would not reactivate prior to Linux timing out on the
> > operation.  Pretty worthless if I can only read/write to it within
> > minutes of plugging it in.
> Ok...!? Didn't know that fact..

It is odd, a friend of mine has a drive which works fine with his Ubuntu USB 
in one enclosure but not at all in the other one.  They are, to the eye 
anyway, identical same brand enclosures and the USB cable is the same one but 
one will not work (actually it works like described above) and the other 
works like one would expect.  

73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <n><   PDGA# 35276

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