8.04 Wireless Problem (still)

Patton Echols p.echols at comcast.net
Wed May 7 07:03:18 UTC 2008

On 05/06/2008 02:51 PM, Bob Cortez wrote:
> Ok, I've been trying to swim through this mess I made, but now I'm in 
> way over my head and would really appreciate a life preserver thrown 
> my way.

Well, I didn't see a prior post, and am not clear 100% what the problem 
is, but disclaimers aside, here's what jumped off the page at me. 
> /etc/network/interfaces shows:
> auto lo
> iface lo inet loopback
> iface eth0 inet dhcp
> auto eth0

If I recall correctly, NM needs to have everything but the loopback 
interfaces commented out here.  So you'd want it to look like :
/etc/network/interfaces shows:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
# iface eth0 inet dhcp
# auto eth0

Make sure you back up in case I'm wrong.  (My recollection comes from 
Edgy, and NM has survived every upgrade since, but my interfaces file 
still only has the "lo" items live. - - I haven't done the latest yet 
either .

Also, in another post you were wondering whether you had uninstalled 
something.  Try

$ iwconfig
The output should tell you whether you have a live card.    Also
$ ifconfig
Gives slightly different info and the outputs might give the list some 
other ideas.

good luck

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