Kubuntu-KDE4 8.04 missing suspend/hibernate on inspiron 9400

Charlie Zender zender at uci.edu
Tue May 6 10:24:51 UTC 2008

>> My inspiron 9400 has a fresh install of Kubuntu-KDE4 8.04.
>> The "exit" and "logout" buttons in the taskbar no longer
>> offer "suspend" and "hibernate" as options.
>> They were (semi-working) options on the gutsy distribution previously
>> installed on this machine.
>> Where did they go? How do I get them back?

> On my Dell Inspiron 6400 those buttons disappeared when I installed
> XGL with Compiz. Removing XGL made Compiz faster and restored the
> buttons. I have the ATI x1400 graphics card, which is known
> problematic, by the way, and I'm running the fglrx drivers.

Thanks. Your observations also hold true for my system which has
an nvidia card. I removed xserver-xgl and the "suspend" and
"hibernate" buttons re-appeared.

Charlie Zender, Department of Earth System Science, UC Irvine
Sab. at CNRS/LGGE-Grenoble until 20080815 :) 011+33+476+824236
Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Géophysique de l'Environnement
54 rue Molière BP 96, 38402 Saint Martin d'Hères Cedex, France

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