moving from 7.10 to 8.04

Frank Pessers pezz78 at
Mon May 5 19:30:53 UTC 2008

Hi everybody,

My upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 also failed.

At the moment my computer boots and ends in the busybox prompt.

I got an error message with:
"check root bootarg cat /proc/cmdline
/dev/hda1 does not exists"

With bklid I checked the UUID and changed it in menu.lst en fstab. That
didn't work.
With de live CD I tried to access my home dir to make a backup, but I
haven't got permission. So that didn't work.
In the beginning I couldn't login at the new kernel 2.6.24 but still could
with kernel 2.6.22. At a forum I read to login with the old kernel and
install initramfs but that didn't work and made it worse I can't even login
with the old kernel.

At this moment I don't know anything else to do. Can somebody help?

Gr Frank
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