Grub overlaping

Anna EdwARds ash.1574 at
Sat May 3 22:05:19 UTC 2008

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--- Original Message ---
Date: Sat May 03 14:26:13 PDT 2008
From: Karl Larsen 
To: "Ubuntu user technical support,
	not for general discussions" 
Subject: Re: Grub overlaping

Anna EdwARds wrote:
> I have a grub machine with access to easily twenty thousand booting operating systems on 4 thousand machines, and i was wondering. Is it possible for grub to boot to another grub (or lilo, if necessary)? I want to be able to sort in a manner like a dichotominous key that you dont see everything at once. I know it seems crazy that i did this (i have been using linux siNce 2005) but i did. Can someone help me?
    I don't believe you have 4 thousand machines on your one machine. 
But Grub can do what you want I think. You can boot any Linux Grub using 
the type of call used for Windows. I think this will also work with lilo.


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	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
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