Alpha, beta, ....

Anna EdwARds ash.1574 at
Sat May 3 20:19:19 UTC 2008

Yeah. Firefox 3 was done at alpha 3 (when i never hit a bug again and it pa?
ssed the atom2 test) but i want to know why they made so many unnecessary c?
hanges to beta 1. Who is in need of whatever cruddy undergrown super cool t?
hing? I said the exact same thing when microsoft implemented css support in?
to their trident engine. Just like i say microsoft needs to have added rss ?
into their engine before now. If they are going  to add some major new fetu?
re, prolong the release as long as it takes to be sure that it is mostly bu?
g free then prolong it another month for compatibility checking. If problem?
s appear there  prolong it longer. Microsoft should learn to do just that n?
exT time. Also, dont just start over when you get a quality product.

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--- Original Message ---
Date: Sat May 03 12:17:41 PDT 2008
From: Pastor JW 
To: "Ubuntu user technical support,
	not for general discussions" 
Subject: Re: Alpha, beta, ....

On Saturday 03 May 2008 11:18:00 am Sandy Harris wrote:
> Is there a way to find out which pieces of 8.04 are
> in what state? Alpha, beta, whatever? Seems to
> me we need one.

I don't think there is one, how would one search?  I suppose a 0.* match wo?
uld reveal less than released versions but then is the version number stand?
ard that well observed?  What is the difference between alpha numbers and b?
eta ones?

> Firefox 3.x is a beta, but easily replaced with the
> current 2.x stable release, via Synaptic.

I for one was happy to see Firefox 3 as in 7.10, Firefox and previ?
ous never would open most of the websites I frequent.  I had to rely on Kon?
queror.  I did not feel any need to reinstall the 2.x series of Firefox on ?
my computer, ...and I have found no fault so far with Firefox 3.  

> People have reported problems with gnash. My
> add/remove app says my 8.04 has an Alpha of
> that, but .
> says a beta came out in March. If I installed
> gnash and id ugrades, would I get the beta? How
> would I know that, short of "try it and see"?.

There must be a different than gnash tool to play swf as I don't have gnash?
 installed here.

73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <   PDGA# 35276

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