Undo 7.10 upgrade to 8.04 ?

elmo elmo at ne.rr.com
Fri May 2 22:07:44 UTC 2008

Pastor JW wrote:
> On Friday 02 May 2008 08:11:13 am elmo wrote:
>> Justin Gruenberg wrote:
>>> On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 3:37 PM, elmo <elmo at ne.rr.com> wrote:
>>>>  How can I determine if the upgrade actually occurred.  Should the
>>>>  desktop look different?
>>> Your desktop should look the same.
>>> You can verify that you have 8.04 by going to System -> About Ubuntu,
>>> and the version should be somewhere in there, or you can open the
>>> terminal and run the following command:
>>> lsb_release -a
>>> The output should be the following:
>>> Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
>>> Description:	Ubuntu 8.04
>>> Release:	8.04
>>> Codename:	hardy
>> Here's what I get when I run -      lsb_release -a
>> No LSB modules are available.
>> Distributor ID:    Ubuntu
>> Description:    Ubuntu 8.04
>> Release:    8.04
>> Codename:    hardy
>> root at elmo-desktop:/home/elmo
>> It looks like I have the upgrade to 8.04 but the bootup menu doesn't
>> show anything referring to 8.04 and I don't see anything in menu.lst
> What does that line, "No LSB modules are available" mean to the installation?   
> Anything?   I don't get that line on my install.
I have no idea what that line means.  Could that have anything to do 
with my problem?

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