banned by ip

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Thu May 1 19:56:18 UTC 2008

Arthur wrote:
> I kan't find "c" where is c ?
> so that you kan be happy I will reprodusse the problem :
> while trying to write an email this morning to responde to some (have
> nothing to do) and other (have no brain) , i kouldn't not find the letter c
> on my keyboard !!!!!!
> any help would be appreciated. as this is very urgent.
> ps : no offense, my network is composed of a modem with on/off buttons (very
> important the buttons since i can't fix my problem if i didn't have them) an
> isp (very important too since i have to call him about my problem).

That's okay.  I think I figured out what you were trying to do.

Thanks to a post that looks suspiciously like yours:

And your complaint that you are "banned by ip" or at a minimum being 
limited in requests to sites...

And your knowledge of something relatively obscure to most newbies, 
namely TOR, while not being able (or willing) to describe your network 

I'm thinking you're a spammer!

Just thought I'd throw that one out there before I finish entering the 
address into the filter.  Later everyone!

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