Vimtutor blank?

Thomas Kempkes thomas at
Thu May 1 11:30:34 UTC 2008

Dotan Cohen <dotancohen at> wrote:
> Can someone install and fire up vimtutor to check that it is indeed
> empty before I file a bug? It is installed with:
> sudo apt-get install vim-runtime

Works for me:

13:27:13 kempkes at kempkes-desktop:~ > cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 8.04 \n \l

13:27:16 kempkes at kempkes-desktop:~ > file $( type -p vimtutor )
/usr/bin/vimtutor: POSIX shell script text executable
13:27:25 kempkes at kempkes-desktop:~ > head $( type -p vimtutor )
#! /bin/sh

# Start Vim on a copy of the tutor file.

# Usage: vimtutor [xx], where xx is a language code like "es" or "nl".
# When an argument is given, it tries loading that tutor.
# When this fails or no argument was given, it tries using 'v:lang'
# When that also fails, it uses the English version.

13:27:30 kempkes at kempkes-desktop:~ >

> Thanks in advance.

I'm using a german locale, maybe have a look in that direction?

> Dotan Cohen

BYe Thomas

	    All your "are belong to us" are belong to me.

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