Ubuntu 8.04 Is Ready to Take On Windows
Senectus .
senectus at gmail.com
Thu May 1 06:32:27 UTC 2008
On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 2:16 PM, michael wilson <ubuntu.eeepc at gmail.com> wrote:
> Of course, the main reason linux (ubuntu) will never over take windows is
> the same reason Mac will never over take windows...MONEY.
> Symantec makes windows software (primarily and first) because of money.
> Adobe makes windows software (primarily and first) because of money.
> every startup wants to either be the next Microsoft or be bought by
> Microsoft.
> Ubuntu is great, but the FREE model does not make much money.
> Sorry, but that is the truth. Keep trying with the grass roots efforts and
> little by little home users will use it more and more, but thats about it.
> Rock on Ubuntu.
> Michael
See this sort of thinking is nothing more than distracting.
Commercialism enforces the fact that money will follow innovation, not
the other way around.
The primary reason from my piece of the enterprise workplace that OSS
hasn't yet broken through to the primary choice and dominant force in
the workplace is *support*.
Support of skilled IT workers to deploy and manage OSS in an efficient
and cost effective manner
Support of software in specialized industries.
I work for a company that could easily make the decision to dump
millions into Linux. Make no mistake that we want to make use of the
phenomenon that is OSS and Linux.
Except that the reliable cost effective software that allows us to dig
dirt out of the ground cheaply and transport it hundreds of kilometers
to put on a ship and sell to China for a ridiculous profit does not
run on Linux, not even under Wine.
This also goes for all the other systems that we have to put together
so they act as a single integrated system that works from "the coal
face" all the way to the customer on the other side of the world.
Worse yet even if there was a system that let us do that, there isn't
the staff with the skills to support it.
The way I see it, the technology is doing very well and moving at an
acceptable pace, it''s the training of the people that are required to
support it that is letting it down.
Ubuntu Hardy 8.04
The less you know, the more you believe. - Bono
The more you know the less you need to say. - Jim Rohn
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