Hardy gdm no userlist, other issues

Rajasekaran Natarajan rajasekaran.natarajan at gmail.com
Thu May 1 02:56:04 UTC 2008

Hi all,

I have tried ubuntu two and half year back on my hp laptop, but it was 
hard so did not use it. (for a business user atleast)
six  months back I bought a new thinkpad x61 and tried gutsy,  did lot 
of work to make it work but loved it.
Now I have upgraded to Hardy and it is working fantastically

I had some issues but most of them I have corrected myself.
I would like some advice on some issues which I am unable to solve myself.

1. There seems to be some problem in sound manager,
    Lets say I am playing a move in VLC player, I pause it
   then when I start a second video player lets say youtube on Firefox 
or kaffeine
   I hear no sound at all as if it is in mute mode.
   Even if i stop the first video player it is not working.

2. I see missing menu entry [ System --> Administration --> Shared folder]
    I think it was there earlier before upgrade. Shared folders are 
still accessible by network.

3. I installed edubuntu using add-on CD, and after that I face some more 
    a) User list in GDM (login window) is gone missing,
    I tried changinf many themes but none seems to be working, the 
window for user list is empty.

    b) All the icons, window style and appearance has been changed to 
some edubuntu theme,
    but I want to change it to default ubuntu style. 
   (The edubuntu apps will be rarely sued by my nephew.)

I tried to find the answers myself but could not, I would appreciate if 
some one gives me some advice

thanks in advance


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