Network off a network, but not a subnet mask

Stephen Constantinou stephanos at
Sun Mar 30 19:39:12 UTC 2008

Dear Nils and Andrew

Thanks for the input

I disabled the firewall on the XP machine and tried again. 
Unfortunately I still could not connect to the XP machine from the 
laptop.  From the laptop I tried to ping,, but the host is always unreachable.

The XP file system is shared and when I put the laptop on the first 
network, the Smoothwall network, I can ping the XP machine, make a VNC 
connection to the XP from the laptop, and see and write to the XP file 

I cannot think of anything else to do.

Any further help appreciated


Nils Kassube wrote:
> Stephen Constantinou wrote:
>> My Virgin Media cable modem connects to an ethernet card (red) of a
>> Smoothwall Firewall.  It is therefore a router.  The second ethernet
>> (green) card connects to a switch off of which is a PC (Dell dual boot
>> mandriva/XP), a HP printer and a second (wireless) router.  That second
>> router connects wirelessly to a laptop (Kubuntu).  There is reason for
>> this complicated set up.
> So far it doesn't look complicated :)
>> The IP range for the Soothwall network is 192.168.1.x.  The PC is
>> static on, the printer is on and the router
>> connects to this network on  The range for the router is
>> 192.168.2.x and the laptop connects wirelessly on
>> The printer is accessible from the laptop and I can print OK.
>> When the Dell is booted into XP I want to be able to do two things
>> 1) see the XP file system from the Kubuntu laptop.
> If you can use the printer, you should also see the XP machine. Can you 
> ping that machine? Maybe you need to enable ping replies on XP before you 
> get a reply. And did you enable file sharing on XP? Furthermore, did you 
> somehow enable access on your possibly installed XP firewall? Then please 
> keep in mind, that the Linux machine uses the *.1.175 address of the 
> wireless router, not *.2.4 address.
> Nils

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