
Old Ranger ranger at
Sun Mar 30 04:41:01 UTC 2008

Old Ranger wrote:
> Hello to all,
> I'm having a little trouble running "chsh".
> For several years I have preferred the "tcsh" shell over any others.
> I desire to use "tcsh" as my login shell.
> When I run "chsh", with, or without the "-s" argument, and tell it where 
> to look, i.e. "/bin/tcsh", or "/usr/bin/tcsh", I get the message " 
> an invalid shell".
> "csh", and "tcsh" are both listed in /etc/shells, so then I'm scratching 
> my head as to why this is happening.
> Thanks in advance for any help and/or advice.
> Regards,
> Z. Wade Hampton
> Marysvale, UT
Never mind.
Oops, found the answer.
"sudo apt-get install tcsh"

Got it.  :-)
Thanks anyway.


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