Writing CD

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Fri Mar 28 18:58:49 UTC 2008

On 03/28/2008 11:33 AM, Caleb Marcus wrote:
 Try browsing an audio CD in Ubuntu
> with the file manager... you can't. Red Book audio CDs don't have a
> filesystem, they're just plain audio.

Well, actually you can. On my Hardy nautilus will show:

Location: cdda://scd0/

and then proceed to list the various tracks:

Track 1.wav <size> WAV audio
Track 2.wav <size> WAV audio
Track 3.wav <size> WAV audio

Interestingly enough, on my other system (Gutsy) nautilus claims:
"cdda:///scd0/" is not a valid location
Please check the spelling and try again.
[note the 3 /// vs // in Hardy]
Even if I manually try: cdda://scd0/ in Gutsy it won't work.

So, it looks as if whatever was broken in Nautilus on Gutsy has been
fixed in Hardy.

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