Problems with Video using Samsung 46" LCD Model: LNX4695DX

Karl Larsen k5di at
Thu Mar 27 17:55:39 UTC 2008

James Wendt wrote:
> Karl,
> I definitely have an Nvidia card.
> I did what you said and confirmed that.
> The model is:
> Ubuntu runs in "low graphics mode" but chokes if I try to change anything.
> Help!
> Jim
    If you want help please bottom comment and tell us what goes wrong 
when you try what nVidia driver. There are several :-)


> On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 9:24 AM, Karl Larsen <k5di at> wrote:
>>  James Wendt wrote:
>>> Dear Friends,
>>> I have recently installed the latest edition of Ubuntu on a new Dell
>> desktop
>>> that was previously running Vista.
>>> With Windows Vista on this machine, I was able to use my Samsung LCD as
>> the
>>> monitor with no problem whatsoever.
>>> However, now that I installed Ubuntu, the monitor will display the Dell
>>> boot-up information and the very beginning of the Ubuntu boot but the
>> minute
>>> that the Ubuntu logo starts to load, the screen goes blank and that's
>> it.
>>> I'm not using any fancy drivers or settings.  I have reinstalled several
>>> times and each time simply allowed the installation to pick the basic
>> and
>>> non-proprietary drivers for video.
>>> When I connect a regular monitor to the same cable, everything is just
>> fine
>>> so I suspect that the issue is either with the box outputting the wrong
>>> resolution or refresh rate or something similar.
>>> Does anybody know how I should set this to work with the Samsung LCD?
>>> Again, it worked fine under Vista but I really (REALLY) don't want to go
>>> back to that if at all possible and I see no reason why this should not
>> work
>>> once I figure out what is getting in the way.
>>> This is not a mechanical issue.  All cables are good, LCD panel is good,
>> PC
>>> is good... all systems "go" but still no display.
>>> Help and thanks in advance.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Jim
>>    Hi Jim this sounds like a nVidia video card problem. Fine out if you
>> can what card you have.
>>    You need to edit the kernel line on your menu.lst in the directory
>> /boot/grub/. Or you can do it with grub but this is tricky.
>>    Try this: Boot and wait until it quits loading. Then press Ctrl and
>> Alt and then F1 and you should then see a prompt and sign in. Then do
>> this: sudo lspci and see what video you have.
>> Karl
>> --
>>        Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
>>        Linux User
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	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
   PGP 4208 4D6E 595F 22B9 FF1C  ECB6 4A3C 2C54 FE23 53A7

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