how to make Live CD data persistent

Mariano Draghi mdraghi at
Sun Mar 23 00:06:04 UTC 2008

El Sat, 22 Mar 2008 12:25:48 +0000, Oliveiros Cristina escribió:

> Dear All,
> I am trying to use a USB pen for storing any configurations I made to my
> working environment
> I am using Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake).
> I've formatted the pen with ext3 and added a label to it "casper-cow"

Hi Cristina,

I never tested this myself, but I think your problem is with the label of 
the device. It's not "casper-cow", but "casper-rw".

You'll find more information about the use here:

And there's a thread on Ubuntuforums (linked from that wiki page) where a 
user claims he got it working using "casper-rw" as the device label:

Hope that helps.

Best regards,


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