mic headphones problem

Jon Grant jg at jguk.org
Wed Mar 19 19:00:58 UTC 2008

Hi Karl,

Thanks for the reply.

On 19/03/2008, Karl Larsen <k5di at zianet.com> wrote:
> Jon Grant wrote:
>  > I've got a very bizarre situation. Two pairs of headphones which work
>  > perfectly in another PC do not work with my Dell Laptop Inspiron 1300
>  > mic jack port. but bizarrely if i plug headphones into my laptop jack
>  > I can speak into the headphone and be heard on voice chat etc..!
>  >
>  > so anyone know the real Mic not work with the port..? Maybe some
>  > stereo configuration? although mic has stereo jack...
>  >
>  > Any tips appreciated.
>  >
>  > Kind regards, Jon
>  >
>  >
>     First, you talk about your Headphones working on one computer but
>  not another. Then you talk about the Mike jack that has a 3 pin jack on it.
>     Please tell us what is not working. I assume the thing your using is
>  a compination earphone-mike like I have, and it has two plugs, one for
>  earphone one for mike.
>     Now what is wrong?

yes, you are right, has two plus like you say.

Mic in other PC works fine. Other Mic in other PC also works fine.

Mic in Dell Laptop with Kubuntu does not work.
Headphone plugged into Mic socket on Dell Laptop with Kubuntu does
work as a mic.

So I think there is a configuration of my Dell Laptop Mic port that
has a problem.. as speaker can be used as Mic in the port..

Thanks for your help

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